The Three Little Pigs is a weekly theme that can fit anywhere in the school year since it’s not related to any season. I usually squeeze it in in January. It’s a good review of the word little, which was introduced earlier in the school year. And it works well to read several versions of the story and really think about the characters and their actions before doing more fairy tales later in the school year. Also, reading this tale after reading The Gingerbread Boy gives the students another chance to think about what characters can be trusted.
When reading this title, I be sure to emphasize that the three little pigs have grown up and must move away from their mom and start living on their own in their own house. We talk about how the students, too, will eventually grow up and, even though they love their parents (or their grandma or grandpa or whomever they live with), will move out and get to try living by themselves. I love to watch the kids’ faces as they ponder this idea.
I share yet another read aloud with you because many of you are sharing with me that you’re enjoying the read aloud posts. This post will also serve as a prelude to several other activities associated with the three little pigs that I will post over the course of the next week and a half.
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