

My goal is to video my small group instruction and the other centers happening in the room every couple of weeks. This video shows my teaching table and the other centers for all five days of this week in January. As a reminder, I see all 28 students every day at my small group table. My schedule is:

Mondays - Read and Draw OR read decodable books (this was a Read and Draw week)

For Read and Draw, I bring all seven students in the heterogenous group to my table at the same time. They need 15 minutes to really get into this activity and it is easy for me to bounce around between seven students.

Tuesdays - Phonological Awareness Training and/or Word List Tests

Two or three students (i.e., a subgroup of a heterogenous group of seven) come to my table at once. The other students are reading independently from their reading folders. There is no reason for all students to come to my table and just sit there while I test students individually. Plus, students need time to sit and read on their own.

Wednesdays - Read Continuous Text/Fluency Ladder

I prefer to bring just two or three students to the table for this activity. The others read from their reading folders while eagerly awaiting their turn.

Thursdays - Write Continuous Text

I have to work with all seven students at the same time since it can take the full 15 minutes for some students to write one sentence. Many students get two or three sentences done during the 15-minute center.

Fridays - Phonological Awareness Training and/or Word List Tests

Same as Tuesday.

All materials you see in the video—Read and Draw, word lists, tracking sheets, Continuous Texts/Fluency Ladders, and Listen and Spell Sentences—were created by me with a very special purpose in mind. I have used them now for three years, with ongoing tweaks here and there to make them better and better. I am pleased with the results I get, the ease of using them, and how little planning/preparation is necessary when using them. It’s tough enough to plan a whole day of instruction; who wants to spend a lot of time planning and prepping for small group instruction on top of that? Not me!

All materials are included with a paid subscription to Busy Bee Kindergarten. In addition, I am here for you for consultation in any part of your classroom setup, schedule, management, or instruction. Please let me know how I can help.
