
Writing about Eagles

Information writing in April

Hello all!

In this video, you will hear that I am tired and a bit crabby and a little less patient than usual. At least it sounds that way to me. I wanted to share, to let you know that it happens to me too.

As I was circulating around and supporting students during this writing session, I had to pause and step back and say, “Hey, relax, it’s okay. These kids are doing amazing with their writing.” It’s a good reminder to notice all the positives and all that our students can do and not what they are doing wrong. Often what they’re struggling with is above their level or above grade level anyway.

Know your students’ zones of proximal development and respect them. That is, teach them just slightly above their independent level. That is the sweet spot where the greatest learning happens. That is why it’s so important to know our students on individual bases. As I reflect on my impatient or crabby moments in the video, I realize that I was probably expecting too much from a student with a particular skill. I was probably trying to teach them outside their zone.

Leave a comment or email me if you’ve found yourself in this position. It’s a good one to be aware of and analyze a bit. And I know there is much I can learn from you.


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