Hi Randee! I am excited as usual to see your videos. I think they're a wonderful tool so thank you for sharing. I am very much a learner through "watching"

I am curious if you could share your whole group phonics block at some point? does it look much like it did when you shared your phonics block video earlier this school year?

Thank you again for sharing! I am doing your small group ideas and reading folders with most of my class.

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Thank you for the idea, Ashton! I am definitely due for an update on whole group phonics. We have finished the main 26 letters and have moved into consonant digraphs. Our routine is still the same and I will keep it that way through December and mid-year DIBELS testing because all the subtest skills are covered: naming letters, first sound fluency, segmenting CVC words, and blending sounds to make words.

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